The evolving energy transition supports society’s climate related goals by reducing energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 和 incorporating low-carbon fuels 和 infrastructure into the energy system. We are playing a proactive role to support positive change – embracing the energy transition that is underway 和 contributing to a lower-carbon energy world.
We have set ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets including:
Position to achieve zero emissions from our operations, on a net basis, by 2050.
These targets address Scope 1 和 2 emissions, using a 2019 baseline year for planning purposes.
我们的温室气体减排计划 outlines our strategies to work towards these goals, 同时也为未来开发下一代能源解决方案.
We intend to work towards our goals through a variety of strategies across our business units. 我们正在与我们行业内的客户和其他合作伙伴合作, 培养创新, 投资于研发. 我们正在采用不断发展的新兴技术, 安全驾驶, 可靠和可持续的运作.
除了我们自己的直接排放, we are developing infrastructure 和 services that help decarbonize the energy system 和 reduce the full lifecycle GHG emissions of the energy we deliver. 例如, we will continue to assess 和 progress opportunities to transport renewable natural gas 和 hydrogen, 发展可再生能源项目, 发展碳捕获, 利用和存储(CCUS)基础设施, 和 develop other low-carbon technologies such as pumped hydro power storage.
现代化 我们现有的系统和资产
减少逸散性甲烷排放, 泄漏, 与常规操作和维护相关的排气和燃烧, 提高整体运营效率.
除去碳素 我们的能源消耗
投资于 低碳能源和基础设施
Develop a broad range of new low-carbon energy solutions for today 和 for the future.
开车 数字解决方案和技术
Develop 和 deploy software 和 systems to digitize our operations 和 monitor emissions – includes system automation, 人工智能和机器学习应用.
利用 碳信用和碳补偿
Evaluate 和 leverage carbon offsets 和 assess opportunities to develop nature-based solutions.
在我们70年的历史中, our people have found innovative solutions to the energy challenges of the day. We have been working towards emissions reduction for over two decades 和 have more than 15 years’ experience with renewables 和 lower-carbon infrastructure. 我们在不断地学习, 与行业合作伙伴合作, 投资技术, 不断发展以确保我们的业务可持续发展. 这些都是坚实的基础.
TC能源公司是 甲烷指导原则, which focus on actions to reduce methane emissions across the natural gas supply chain.
We have committed $75 MILLION to venture funds developing clean energy technologies – 能源影响合作伙伴 (EIP)在美国.S. 和 NGIF(天然气创新基金)清洁技术风险投资 在加拿大.
我们是联合国的创始成员之一 新兴燃料协会 established by the Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) in 2021.